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Civil Liberties | New Hampshire

Reviewing New Hampshire’s 2024 Legislative Session

By AAF | Sep 25, 2024

With 2025 just around the corner, it’s time to reflect on the good and bad from the last legislative season, and one particularly interesting state to look at is New Hampshire. With hundreds of part-time state Representatives, New Hampshire operates like no other state with its positives and negatives.


By weakening the strength of individual members, there’s a real concern about the power of lobbying in Concord, so it shouldn’t come as a surprise that one of the key issues American Action Fund pushed for was a ban on Taxpayer Funded Lobbying (TFL). TFL is a scheme that exists in most of the country where taxpayers pay for government agencies to lobby for higher taxes and funding, generally things taxpayers oppose.  These types of bills take years to pass, and New Hampshire is much closer after this session. With hearings, amendment fights, and even numerous attempts to kill the bill, it’s safe to say that this legislation is in a strong position to keep moving forward toward eventual passage in the years to come.


See Also: Holding Anti-liberty Politicians Accountable in New Hampshire


The same can be said about Defend the Guard, a bill requiring that Congress formally declare war before National Guard troops can be deployed. The liberty movement won a significant victory by successfully passing Defend the Guard out of the New Hampshire House of Representatives this year. 


Those are only two of many key pieces of legislation that American Action Fund is working to pass. Other bills include Right to Work, Education Freedom Account expansion, Free Speech Protection, Healthcare Freedom, and more. 


Killing bad bills is more important than passing good bills, and New Hampshire had its fair share of bad bills to kill. At the same time we’re seeing pro-gun legislation stall like the Second Amendment Protection Act, we saw a lot of key defenses in the area of gun rights.  American Action Fund and members of the Hazlitt Coalition worked together to defeat “Red Flag” gun confiscation, which would allow the government to seize guns without the accused getting a day in court and Due Process, and defeat a bill to expand waiting periods on gun purchases.


See Also: Liberty Activists Prepare for Brawl After Tuesday’s Elections in New Hampshire


None of this could be done without the hard work of our Hazlitt Members who rose to the occasion. Providing even more hope for the future of liberty in the Live Free or Die State, after the recent primary election, there is a new round of fresh liberty legislators coming in to continue the key fight for liberty. With their help, we hope to build on the groundwork and successes of 2024 for a fruitful and liberty-filled 2025 in New Hampshire.


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