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Limited Government | Michigan

Michigan RINO Matt Hall Takes Heat on Multiple Fronts, Seeks Cover from Establishment

By AAF | Jul 19, 2024

Matt Hall, the top Republican in the Michigan House of Representatives, is hiding behind the endorsement of the establishment gun lobby after being exposed for his anti-gun, big government voting record.


American Action Fund, unwilling to tolerate any vote to erode liberty, dropped mailers in House District 42 calling on residents to lobby Hall to change course.


The mailers explain that Hall voted for “gun control FOUR times”, authorized “Billions in Corporate Welfare,” and voted for anti-gun Democrat Joe Tate to be Speaker of the House. 

Great Lakes Gun Rights also took Hall to task for his anti-gun votes stating, “Hall seems more interested in working with Democrat Governor Whitmer than fighting for your Second Amendment rights.” 

The post by Great Lakes Gun Rights reads:


Your State Representative Matt Hall voted for gun control FOUR TIMES in 2023, helping Democrats to pass a key part of Gov. Whitmer’s gun control agenda!

Hall voted to force you to lock up your ammunition and firearms in your own home, rendering them useless during a home invasion by armed thugs and criminals.

Hall also worked with Governor Whitmer to gut his own modestly pro-gun bill in October 2021!


Hall seems more interested in working with Democrat Governor Whitmer than fighting for your Second Amendment rights.


Call State Rep. Matt Hall at (517) 373-1784, urge him to STOP working with anti-gun Democrats and to apologize for voting for Gretchen Whitmer’s gun control agenda.”


It’s always fun to see politicians held accountable for stripping Americans of their freedom. 

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