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Civil Liberties

#YALCON24 Kicked off with Ron Paul, Savannah Maddox, and More!

By AAF | Aug 2, 2024

Young Americans for Liberty’s 15th Annual National Convention launched Thursday night with a lineup of some of the most influential champions for liberty in America. 


One thousand students, legislators, VIPs, and staff crowded into the room as Kentucky State Representative Savannah Maddox fired up the crowd and explained how Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) and American Action Fund (AAF) are essential to the fight against the political establishment.

Sean Themea eloquently explained the principles American Aciton Fund fights for and the common traps to which liberty-lovers may be prone. 


YAL Founder and CEO Jeff Frazee detailed the vision for how this group of freedom warriors will win for liberty in our lifetime, setting the stage for the inspiration of the modern-day liberty movement: Ron Paul.


The night wrapped up with Patrick McGrady teaching the room how politics really works. 


There are still two more days of top tier programing to mold the next generation of liberty champions.

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