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Economy | Kentucky

Kentucky Conservatives Demand Lawmakers Eliminate the State Income Tax

By AAF | Dec 11, 2024

Imagine a Kentucky where you, not the government, control your hard-earned money. A Kentucky where your success isn’t punished by the state reaching into your paycheck. A Kentucky where your financial freedom is protected, not restricted.

Eliminating Kentucky’s state income tax is not just a policy change—it’s a fundamental step toward empowering individuals, restoring personal freedom, and reining in government overreach. For too long, the state has taken what you’ve earned through your blood, sweat, and tears. It’s time to stop this unfair system that treats your income as their own God-given right. This means that government would have to be accountable to the people, not just through rhetoric, but through the wallets of its citizens.

A state without an income tax wouldn’t just be a political victory—it would lead to real, tangible prosperity. It would open the door for new businesses, new entrepreneurs, and new jobs. It would send a powerful signal that Kentucky is open for business and ready to lead the nation in economic growth.

Look at states like Florida, Texas, and Tennessee—states that have no state income taxes and have seen booming economies as a result. (There’s still plenty of tyranny and corporate welfare that needs to be slashed in these states, though.) Kentucky has the potential to do the same—and more.

By eliminating the income tax, Kentucky would be well on its way to becoming a beacon for liberty and opportunity. It would attract talent, stimulate innovation, and provide the kind of economic environment where people can truly succeed, without fear of being penalized for doing well.

But Kentucky won’t change unless we take action.

American Action Fund believes now is the time to stand up and demand the abolition of the state income tax. If we do nothing we will see the government grow unchecked, draining our resources, and suffocating our future and the future of the children of the Commonwealth.

It’s time to act. It’s time to make Kentucky a state where success is celebrated, not taxed. A state where individuals and businesses are empowered to make their own choices, to keep their own earnings, and to shape their own future.

Join American Action Fund in our fight and together, we can eliminate the state income tax and pave the way for a brighter, more prosperous tomorrow.

Now is the time. The future of Kentucky depends on it.

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