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Economy | South Dakota

South Dakota Lawmakers Call for an End to Unconstitutional Foreign War, Reckless Foreign Spending

By AAF | Dec 11, 2024

When a nation is $36 TRILLION in debt, should it send tax dollars to foreign countries?


Hazlitt Coalition member Rep. Aaron Aylward believes we shouldn’t.

Aylward, a South Dakota state representative, penned a letter to SD Sen. John Thune, urging him to stop sending American tax dollars overseas and instead work to fund our own national obligations.


44 other current and incoming state lawmakers joined Aylward by signing the letter.

In addition to calling on Thune to cut foreign aid, the letter urges him to only allow U.S. troops to be sent to war after a Congressional declaration of war as the Constitution requires.

“We simply cannot afford to continue our current levels of foreign aid spending. Future funding requests need to be declined, and those who wish to send our sons and daughters into harm’s way overseas need to do so only after a Congressional declaration of war.”

This commonsense appeal should resonate with Republican lawmakers in Congress, but their actions tend to result in higher spending aimed at appeasing the Military Industrial Complex and the Washington establishment.


Thankfully, a letter isn’t the only thing Rep. Aylward has written to stand for America First principles.


Aylward has pledged to file Defend the Guard legislation in the upcoming South Dakota Legislative Session.


This bill simply states that Congress must officially declare war before the South Dakota National Guard can be activated in a conflict, just as the Constitution requires.


>> Click here to sign the statement supporting Defend the Guard.


A big thank you to Rep. Aylward and his colleagues for standing up for America, our troops, and fiscal sanity!


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