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Education | South Dakota

Rocky Start for Conservative Priorities in South Dakota

By AAF | Dec 4, 2024

South Dakotans sent a message to the political class this November when they replaced many establishment politicians with conservatives and rejected a bill to facilitate a socialist land grab.



But instead of giving the people what they want, Governor Kristi Noem and Senator Chris Karr are off to a bad start.


Senate President Pro Tempore-Elect Chris Karr (who was supposed to be an ally for conservatives) just stacked the Senate Commerce and Energy Committee with a pro-pipeline RINO majority.


Summit Carbon Solutions wants to use South Dakota’s eminent domain laws to confiscate private property from South Dakotans so they can build a carbon capture pipeline and lock in BILLIONS of dollars in federal tax credits.


Obviously, a private company shouldn’t be able to force landowners to give up their property and benefit from eminent domain laws.


That’s why American Action Fund is calling on lawmakers to pass a bill to ban eminent domain for private gain!


But Chris Karr just set up major roadblocks for this commonsense legislation by appointing pro-pipeline politicians to run it.


American Action Fund is mobilizing South Dakotans to express their frustrations about this betrayal to Senate Leadership.


Karr isn’t the only one falling short of the grassroots’ expectations.


Governor Kristi Noem, this week, announced her support for one of the weakest school choice proposals in the country.


True school choice legislation allows the parent of any student in the state to choose how and where their child will be educated.


Noem’s proposal falls far short of that standard, only providing $3,000 per student which is a measly 23% of per pupil spending in South Dakota.


Additionally, Noem wants to restrict these new education opportunities to select families based on income.


American Action Fund will work to expand Governor Noem’s proposal to give ALL students in South Dakota the opportunity to get an excellent education.


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