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A Lame Duck Biden Admin Causes Concern for More Overreach

By AAF | Jul 24, 2024

Now that everyone has admitted the emperor has no clothes, and Joe Biden is incapable of winning reelection, the threat of overreach by this lame-duck president looms large.

Political insiders are hinting that Biden’s handlers will use the fact that he will not face the accountability of the voters again to ram through some of the most radical Leftist priorities. 

The Biden Administration has already been fraught with both ineptitude and the intentional erosion of liberty through the growth and centralization of government power. 

In the last three and a half years, Biden and his cronies have built an extensive resume of tyranny in the White House. So far, the Biden Administration:

  • Used executive power to crack down on kitchen appliances
  • Mandated vaccines for federal employees and contractors
  • Enacted Green New Deal policies that do little to nothing for the environment at significant cost to American businesses and taxpayers
  • Botched the withdrawal from Afghanistan, leading to the death of 13 Americans and numerous allies
  • Contributed to high inflation with excessive government spending, including sending billions of dollars to Ukraine
  • Allowed an invasion of our country through the southern border. 

Now that Biden will not face voters in November, his handlers are free to advance his most radical policies without being held accountable to the people. 

The fears of lame-duck tyranny are not unfounded. 

When Obama was on his way out, he enacted big government policies to appease radical environmentalists, such as banning offshore drilling and imposing burdensome regulations on the coal industry. He also worked to expand his liberal immigration policies.

While it is unclear what the Biden Administration will ram through in the coming months, one thing is clear: liberty-loving Americans must remain vigilant.

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