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Limited Government

American Action Fund Celebrates Victory: Over a Dozen Anti-Liberty Bills Defeated in 2024

By AAF | Sep 26, 2024

With the November election just weeks away, state legislatures are starting to plan for 2025, and American Action Fund is gearing up with some play of our own.  Every day, our team is looking towards 2025 for opportunities to expand liberty across the country.  First, it is important to reflect on what we accomplished in 2024.  Last week, we highlighted key legislation passed in the states, and now we are excited to share what threats to liberty that we successfully defeated.


In almost all cases, bad legislation has a greater impact than good legislation.  It’s much easier to find politicians eager to expand government at the expense of individual liberty, particularly on “controversial issues” like the Second Amendment, where AAF successfully blocked many anti-gun bills this year.


In New Hampshire, we effectively fought against gun registration proposals disguised as “expanded background checks” and waiting periods on firearms. Louisiana also targeted gun rights, where we killed “Red Flag” gun confiscation as well as an arbitrary expansion to gun-free zones. Tennessee continued its multi-year fight for “Red Flag” gun confiscation, and the grassroots, mobilized by AAF, defeated that.  Surprisingly, Alabama also attempted to advance “Assault Weapons” bans, “Red Flag,” and codification of more gun restrictions in Alabama law.


The fight for liberty extended beyond gun rights. In South Carolina, the establishment introduced a bill to delegate healthcare policy decisions to an unaccountable bureaucrat, creating an Fauci-like Healthcare Czar.  Fortunately, the actions of American Action Fund and our Hazlitt Members led to the defeat of this proposal. 


In Idaho, AAF and Hazlitt Legislators mobilized against a bill that would have given large chemical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural businesses legal immunity for harmful products, even in cases of injury.


Wyoming failed in its attempt to expand campaign finance laws in a way aimed at limiting free speech, a tactic often used to protect incumbent legislators from challengers.  Additionally, the state sought to roll back its School Choice program by implementing means testing to keep students from taking advantage of the program.


These examples only scratch the surface; there are many other states we could discuss.  Across the country, it is clear that the fight for liberty requires American Action Fund to be vigilant in both offense and defense. This is a topic we engage with daily as we prepare for the challenges ahead in 2025.

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