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Limited Government

Biden Announces Plan to Stack the Supreme Court

By AAF | Jul 30, 2024

Never one to let a ‘crisis’ go to waste, the Biden Administration is seizing the opportunity to feign outrage at recent rulings as a rallying cry to weaken the Supreme Court. Under the guise of “restoring public faith” and “fighting corruption,” an opinion piece by Joe Biden was circulated outlining attempts to weaken the Supreme Court.


Biden’s plan would drastically change the court by adding term limits and guaranteeing appointments to Presidents. Every President would get to appoint two Justices in this system, further empowering the Executive branch while weakening the Judicial branch.  The plan also added reporting requirements for Justices, a subtle nod to the media attacks targeted at Clarence Thomas over the last year or two.


The Biden Administration is lashing out at the court rulings against his executive overreach on issues like student debt and rulemaking on the Second Amendment.


However, the biggest criticism of Biden’s proposal is the hypocrisy of term limits. It states Justices should not serve more than 18 years despite Biden serving double that in the U.S. Senate. Clearly, Biden believes in limitations on everyone but himself.


The good news is this publicity stunt will likely go nowhere, as it would require a Constitutional Amendment, which is incredibly unlikely in the current political environment. It is difficult to see a situation where Congress or the States would ratify such a radical change anytime, much less in the near future.

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