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ANNOUNCEMENT: 2024 AAF Scorecards

By AAF | Jan 8, 2025

American Action Fund is paying attention to all the details by announcing today the launch of our National Scorecard Program to hold legislators accountable for their votes.


All too often, people let politicians whisper sweet nothings in their ears without actually delivering results.


Politicians are great at saying one thing in their district and doing the complete opposite in the capitol.


With the launch of American Action Fund’s Scorecard Program reviewing the votes that state legislators take – politicians won’t be able to hide their bad voting records from their constituents.


View the 2024 American Action Fund Scorecards here.


Do you ever wonder how the government keeps growing and our liberties keep shrinking while there are Republican majorities in more than half the states? HALF!


It’s due to gutless Republicans that refuse to vote for liberty.


American Action Fund is like Santa Claus. We’ve been making a list and checking it twice. And we’ve found out who has been naughty and who has been nice.


The members and supporters of American Action Fund invest in the organization to see tangible results in the fight for liberty.


And here are the results that we have found doing deep dives in legislatures around the country.


View the 2024 American Action Fund Scorecards here.


Our vision is to transform our states into Lighthouse States for liberty — the brightest beacons of freedom in America.


We accomplish this by scaling up our winning model: BUILD a youth movement, ELECT liberty legislators, and PASS transformative liberty legislation (Build, Elect, Pass).


American Action Fund’s focus is on passing transformative legislation which means we have a laser focus on watching legislatures coast-to-coast.


With our first rollout on scorecards, we have looked in-depth at four states, zooming in on how legislators are voting and on the most important issues.


You and I know that politicians need to vote for liberty if we are to achieve our goals of building Lighthouse States. 


View the 2024 American Action Fund Scorecards here.


Here at American Action Fund, we separate the players from the pretenders. We answer the question on who is actually fighting for liberty versus who is just paying lip service.


Most importantly, who is WINNING passing liberty legislation in their state.


In this fight for liberty, we need clear lines of where the RINOs and Leftists are and where the Liberty Warriors are – that’s what these scorecards help do.


The Liberty Scoreboard is being firmly planted and will only grow from here. 


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