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Policy Summit Draws Hundreds of Top Liberty Advocates

By AAF | Dec 6, 2024

Right before Thanksgiving, Young Americans for Liberty Foundation hosted the 2024 Hazlitt Policy Summit in Nashville, TN.


Hundreds of liberty legislators, partner organizations, and VIPs from 33 states came together to learn, train, and strategize for next year.


This was by far the largest gathering of liberty legislators ever hosted by the organization. The room was packed and the energy was high!


Sen. Rand Paul, Mayor Glenn Jacobs, Secretary of State of Wyoming Chuck Grey, and hundreds more leaders of liberty were in attendance to share their words of wisdom and prepare for the threats and opportunities ahead.

The National Coalition of Liberty Legislators at the YALF’s Hazlitt Policy Summit

Oftentimes attendees would hear conversations about “how to pass strong, liberty policy in my state?” and “how to out-maneuver the political establishment?


Education Freedom was a top priority for many states.


Nearly a dozen states have the opportunity to pass expansive school choice legislation next year because these legislators are leading the charge.


Additionally, they went home ready to introduce hundreds more pro-liberty bills in their states on issues we care about most – free markets, education freedom, civil liberties, healthcare freedom, and constitutional government.


Afterwards, staff asked every legislator what they valued most about the Hazlitt Policy Summit.


Here are a few of our favorite replies…


“Knowing we are not alone!”


“Networking with like-minded legislators and having a resource for solid constitutional legislation founded on freedom and liberty.”


“Thank you for all of your time, effort, and knowledge! This event gave me hope for the future of our states and liberty for future generations.”


“The opportunity to brainstorm bill ideas for the legislative session alongside other legislators.”


“Connecting with colleagues and game planning with other folks across the country for my legislative strategy. I especially loved the new legislator session.”


“As a freshman, everything was important.”


“That there is hope and things are happening.”


The Hazlitt Coalition is leading the fight for liberty in state capitol’s nationwide!

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