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The Truth About Guns and Crime: What the Media Won’t Tell You

By AAF | Oct 9, 2024

For years, we’ve been fed the same lie over and over again — more guns mean more crime. The mainstream media, anti-gun politicians, and gun control activists have pushed this narrative relentlessly, trying to convince us that if law-abiding citizens have firearms, our communities will be less safe. But as usual, the facts tell a very different story.


The FBI’s latest crime report for 2023 shows something they don’t want you to know: murders dropped by a staggering 11.6%, and violent crime fell by 3%. At the same time, the number of states adopting constitutional carry — where law-abiding citizens can carry a firearm without a permit — rose to 28 (29 if you count Florida). You heard that right: at a time when gun ownership and the freedom to carry have expanded across the country, crime has actually gone down. Not up.


Let’s be honest here, the media loves to blame guns and gun owners for crime, but they rarely point the finger at the actual criminals. They ignore the fact that violent criminals don’t follow the law anyway. Gun control only restricts law-abiding Americans who want to defend themselves and their families. And the 2023 FBI report proves this. While gun ownership increased, crime decreased. The anti-gun crowd wants to control the narrative, but they can’t control the facts.


See Also: The FBI and CDC Are Hiding the Truth About Gun Ownership


John Lott Jr. wrote More Guns, Less Crime, a popular reference for 2A advocates, and guess what? He was right all along. Lott’s research shows that when more law-abiding citizens carry firearms, violent crime goes down. Criminals don’t want to target people who can fight back, and concealed carry creates an invisible deterrent. You don’t know who’s armed, making it a lot riskier for criminals.


Instead, the media continues spinning a false narrative by demonizing gun owners, especially those of us who believe in constitutional carry. They like to paint us as reckless or dangerous. But the truth is gun owners are some of the most responsible and law-abiding citizens in this country. And the FBI data proves it: in 2023, while more Americans exercised their right to carry firearms without a permit, violent crime went down, not up.


But the media isn’t interested in facts that go against their narrative. They won’t tell you about the drop in crime because it doesn’t fit their agenda. They’re more interested in demonizing gun owners and pushing for more restrictions on our Second Amendment rights. But here’s the thing: criminals don’t care about gun laws. They don’t walk into a gun shop for a background check. They get their weapons illegally, and gun control laws do nothing to stop that. What they do stop is law-abiding citizens from defending themselves.


Look at some cities with the strictest gun control laws—places like Chicago and New York. They’re plagued by violence, but you won’t hear the media calling for accountability there. Instead, they’ll keep pointing fingers at responsible gun owners and pushing for more restrictions that only hurt those who follow the law.


The media doesn’t want you to know that constitutional carry works. It empowers law-abiding citizens to protect themselves and deters criminals from committing violent crimes. The proof is right there in the FBI’s report. And guess what? They’ve barely mentioned it.


We’ve also seen how the mainstream media ignores research that doesn’t fit their narrative. John Lott’s findings, for instance, show that when concealed carry permits increase, violent crime drops. Criminals are less likely to commit an assault or robbery if they think their target might be armed. But you’ll never see CNN talking about that because they’re too busy blaming guns and law-abiding gun owners for the actions of criminals.


The Second Amendment was written for a reason—it protects our right to defend ourselves, our families, and our freedoms. And as the FBI’s report makes clear, constitutional carry and responsible gun ownership are not the problems—they’re part of the solution. It’s time to stop letting the media control the narrative and start pushing back with the truth.


So, next time you hear some politician or media pundit blaming guns for crime, remember this: criminals commit crimes, not guns. And when more law-abiding citizens are armed, crime goes down. That’s a fact they can’t ignore forever. Keep standing up for your rights and always defend the Constitution because, without it, we’re at the mercy of those who want control, not freedom.

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