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Capitalism and Corporatism: The Conservative’s Weakness 


The United States was built by entrepreneurs, inventors, and business owners. That’s why most conservatives strongly support pro-business policies. Unfortunately, businesses often support government overreach in their efforts to achieve success. The pitfall lies in the subtle distinction between capitalism and corporatism.  Corporatism disguises itself in many ways, appearing to be capitalism on its surface while operating … Continued

Oregon’s Ghost Gun Ban: A Direct Attack on Law-Abiding Citizens


Oregon’s new so-called “Ghost Gun” ban, which took effect on September 1, 2024, represents a direct attack on the rights of law-abiding citizens. By criminalizing the ownership of firearms without serial numbers, the state has effectively targeted those who respect the law, forcing them into compliance with a draconian mandate. Meanwhile, criminals — who, by … Continued

Senator Paul Fights Back as TSA Improperly Targets Trump Rally Attendees and Others as “Security Risks”


Last month, the nonpartisan watchdog group Empower Oversight released two letters it sent to the Department of Homeland Security regarding waste and abuse by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The first highlighted how Tulsi Gabbard was inappropriately being harassed by the TSA and followed by Air Marshals as a “security risk.” The second letter expressed … Continued

The Liberals’ Secret to Winning in Conservative States


There is a threat to liberty that most overlook in American politics today. This problem has resulted in pro-liberty states adopting progressively more tyrannical and big government policies despite outspoken opposition from their citizens. Conservative strongholds caved to Faucism and destroyed businesses and careers during the COVID lockdowns. Those same pro-freedom states continually expand their … Continued

Wyoming Establishment Reels from Liberty Wave, Grassroots Group Promises More to Come


For Immediate Release:   Cheyenne, WY – Last week, liberty-minded candidates across Wyoming secured resounding victories in the Republican Primary, marking a significant shift towards principled leadership in the state. These victories underscore the growing desire among Wyoming citizens to break free from establishment politicians and embrace true liberty leadership.   Vice President of Grassroots … Continued

Protecting Private Property Rights


The right to private property is one of the foundational principles of a free society. It ensures that individuals can control their assets without unwarranted interference from the government.   Missouri Representative Ben Keathley’s 2024 bill, HB 2385, sought to uphold this principle by protecting private property owners from being forced to accept government housing … Continued

Opinion: Kamrade Harris Wants to Crush US Housing Market


The recent proposal by Vice President Kamala Harris to grant federal agencies and state attorneys general new powers to impose fees on food providers and grocers accused of “price gouging” is yet another misguided attempt at government intervention in the free market. This follows her endorsement of rent control earlier this summer, a policy that … Continued

Uncle Sam the Faux-Medicine Man: Getting Government Out of Healthcare


By: Eric Madden Government is a disease. Whenever it attempts to “help” any industry in the private sector, this is the first symptom of a grave infection. Falsely diagnosing normal market fluctuations as “reckless capitalism,” it presents itself as a “remedy” for these phony ailments when it is the epitome of snake oil and ultimately … Continued