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End Tax on Tips


They tax what you earn.    They tax what you buy.    They even tax the things you own.    The federal government lines their coffers.   Then, the state government lines theirs.   Cities, counties, and even school boards all stick their hands in your pocket, snatching away the fruits of your labor.    … Continued

Republican Establishment in Idaho Blocks Tax Reform, Sidelines Conservatives


Last week, American Action Fund launched grassroots mobilization efforts aimed at exposing weak-kneed Republicans who continually block tax reform in the Gem State and mobilizing Idahoans for the fight to come in January.    In a text message sent to people across the state, AAF emphasized the importance of eliminating the grocery tax “as many … Continued

Holding Anti-liberty Politicians Accountable in New Hampshire


Holding politicians accountable is a year-round endeavor.    Whether it is working to pass true liberty legislation, stop bad bills in their tracks, or informing citizens about their lawmaker’s failing record, the work never stops.   As such, American Action Fund is discussing the poor records of multiple legislators in New Hampshire and encouraging constituents … Continued

Hazlitt Liberty Coalition Grows in Wyoming


The Wyoming primaries are now complete, with the following current and future American Action Fund Liberty Coalition members succeeding on Tuesday.    Meanwhile, nearly a dozen anti-liberty legislators lost their races.   You can view the full list below:

Americans Buckle Beneath Bipartisan Market Interference


As Americans struggle to deal with an uncertain economy and the weight of inflation bearing down on them, many have begun to realize that a myriad of government interventions are to blame for some of their financial woes.    Tariffs, or taxes on imported goods, are often used by governments to punish other governments or … Continued

Liberty Champions CRUSH Political Establishment in Wyoming


Sick of the big government status quo, citizens across Wyoming sent a bold message to the political establishment on Tuesday: “We overwhelmingly stand for liberty and expect you to do the same!”    In a state with only 62 state house districts, 10 RINO incumbents lost, 10 pro-liberty candidates defended their seats or won open … Continued

Federal Court Rules Against ATF on Forced Reset Triggers


A few weeks back gun owners won a huge victory when a federal court in Texas ruled that the ATF overstepped their boundaries by classifying forced reset triggers as machine guns. The lawsuit, brought by American Action Fund’s friends at the National Foundation for Gun Rights was a huge success for gun owners.   The … Continued

Idaho Welfare Report Highlights Government Waste


Last week, Idaho Freedom Foundation put out an article highlighting a major problem plaguing the welfare ‘safety net’ of Idaho, and likely many other states. Able-bodied people are content to cash in welfare programs instead of working.   The article highlights figures in the ‘June 2024 Self-Reliance Program Report’ from the Idaho Department of Health … Continued

National Debt Hits $35 Trillion


Back in 2008 when he was first running for President, Barack Obama criticized George Bush saying that increasing the debt 4 trillion dollars was “un-American.”  At the time, the national debt was 9 trillion dollars and there was bipartisan concern about the rapidly expanding burden on the average taxpayer.   The era that followed saw … Continued