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National Debt Hits $35 Trillion


Back in 2008 when he was first running for President, Barack Obama criticized George Bush saying that increasing the debt 4 trillion dollars was “un-American.”  At the time, the national debt was 9 trillion dollars and there was bipartisan concern about the rapidly expanding burden on the average taxpayer.   The era that followed saw … Continued

School Choice Allows Parents to Shield Their Children 


As woke activist administrators continue oozing their twisted ideology into the veins of public school systems across the country, an increasing number of parents are choosing a different route.    Instead of focusing on the basics of education, many schools are determined to indoctrinate students with their leftist agenda, which is why the number of … Continued

Radical Gun Control Bills Filed in Alabama


Alabama Rep. Kenyatte Hassell wants to force you to get government permission to own an AR-15.   He recently sponsored House Bill 23, which would require law-abiding citizens to get a government permit to purchase or possess a so-called “assault weapon.”   Make no mistake. This is nothing but a gun registry designed to create … Continued

Operation Rolling Thunder: Government Theft Runs Rampant


After a 21-month fight with the state of South Carolina, the Institute for Justice had the courts turn over the documents related to “Operation Rolling Thunder,” a multi-agency operation focused on property seizures around Spartanburg County. Throughout the operation, 900 vehicles were stopped, and 144 were searched, almost a third of which were public buses. … Continued

Free Speech Victory in New Hampshire


Just signed this past week by Gov. Sununu, the bill to ban free speech zones in the Granite State has surpassed its final obstacle in becoming New Hampshire state law! Before SB 1305, New Hampshire public universities had the ability to mandate ‘free speech zones’ to relegate student groups to fringe areas of campus, thereby … Continued

Enforcer-in-Chief: Harris’ Heavy-handed Tyranny


At a time when rogue prosecutors ran rampant, using the law to punish political opponents, Kamala Harris was proud of her history as California’s Attorney General.   Let’s reflect on what she has done and what she may do again.   Rep. Tulsi Gabbard took Harris to task on her record in 2020, pointing out … Continued

You broke the law – Do you know which one?


“There are so many federal criminal laws that no one, including the Justice Department, the principal federal law enforcement agency, knows the actual number of crimes.”   Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch cited this shocking quote in his dissent on a 2018 case.    The reality Americans live with today is that every one of … Continued

#YALCON24 Kicked off with Ron Paul, Savannah Maddox, and More!


Young Americans for Liberty’s 15th Annual National Convention launched Thursday night with a lineup of some of the most influential champions for liberty in America.    One thousand students, legislators, VIPs, and staff crowded into the room as Kentucky State Representative Savannah Maddox fired up the crowd and explained how Young Americans for Liberty (YAL) … Continued

Biden Announces Plan to Stack the Supreme Court


Never one to let a ‘crisis’ go to waste, the Biden Administration is seizing the opportunity to feign outrage at recent rulings as a rallying cry to weaken the Supreme Court. Under the guise of “restoring public faith” and “fighting corruption,” an opinion piece by Joe Biden was circulated outlining attempts to weaken the Supreme … Continued

Judge Issues Order Stating PA Gun Owners Can Carry in Vehicle Without Permit​


A Federal judge ruled the Pennsylvania ban on gun owners carrying a firearm in their vehicle without a permit is unconstitutional.   District Judge Christopher C. Conner of the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania issued a 44-page memorandum on the ruling.    Additionally, Conner stated that banning possession of a firearm during … Continued