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Civil Liberties | Idaho

Idaho City Council Votes to Strip Away Gun Rights

By AAF | Sep 20, 2024

Boise City Council once again is playing politics with the fundamental rights of American citizens. Councilmember Hallyburton and his colleagues are exploiting tragedy to force through their anti-gun Agenda. Make no bones about it — this resolution is nothing more than a brazen assault on the Second Amendment.


The call for “common sense” gun laws is a euphemism for disarming law-abiding citizens. To claim they represent the people of Idaho while promoting policies that would make us defenseless requires pushback from the people. 


The notion that infringing on the rights of responsible gun owners will somehow curb violence is not just misguided — it is dangerous. Look at places like Chicago and parts of California. The more restrictions government imposes on citizens, the more the power shifts from the people to the bureaucrats and the criminals.

Expanded Government databases? Restrictions on commonly owned rifles? Limiting ammunition magazines? These are nothing but incremental steps toward full-blown confiscation. Criminals who already ignore laws will NOT comply with more regulations. This is delusional thinking and an insult to the intelligence of the people of Idaho.


The Council’s slimy effort to pressure state lawmakers to adopt these draconian measures is a slap in the face to every Idahoan who cherishes their God-given right to keep and bear arms. Hallyburton and his allies are actively working to strip law-abiding citizens of their right to protect themselves and their families.


See Also: American Action Fund Backs Congressman Massie’s National Constitutional Carry Bill


This resolution is a disgrace. It is not about safety—it is about control. The people of Idaho must reject these unconstitutional schemes and stand firm in defense of liberty. 


Every citizen of Boise and the surrounding communities must contact the City Council immediately. Demand that they pull back this resolution and any future gun control measures. Tell them we will not allow our rights to be trampled. Let your voices be heard and ensure they change direction before it’s too late.

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