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Civil Liberties | Alabama

The Solution to Violence: Make Illegal Devices MORE Illegal?

By AAF | Sep 25, 2024

Less than 24 hours after a shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, left-wing politicians and activists were dancing on the graves of those slain, spewing their tired calls for gun control instead of focusing on real solutions that curb criminal activity. 


Without confirmation that glock switches had been used, Alabama’s politicians leaped at the opportunity to use this senseless slaying as a political bludgeon. 


The Alabama House Minority Leader said in a statement, “We must take immediate and meaningful actions like banning Glock switches and repealing the horrific permitless concealed gun carry law in order to keep these weapons from those who should never have them in the first place.” 

Birmingham Mayor Randall Woodfin said, “We don’t have any interest in this whole debate about Second Amendment rights.” He also claimed that “Glock switches are the number one public safety issue in our city and state.”


Montgomery Mayor Steven Reed echoed Woodfin’s call for more gun control. 


Glock switches allow a handgun to fire multiple rounds with a single function of the trigger, making firearms equipped with these devices machine guns under federal law. 


See Also: American Action Fund Backs Congressman Massie’s National Constitutional Carry Bill


Many Alabama lawmakers want to make these devices somehow more illegal by adopting federal gun control into state law. In fact, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed a bill to do just that earlier this year, but the legislation did not move in the Senate. 


That bill has already been pre-filed for the 2025 legislative session with three Republican cosponsors. 


When the sponsor of the Alabama Glock Switch Ban tweeted about how his bill would save the world from murderers, X users did not hesitate to expose his hypocrisy and weak arguments. 


One user sarcastically replied, “Let’s just make murder illegal. That’ll stop them for sure.”

Another user chose a more direct rebuttal: 


“What rights won’t you infringe? It seems to me that your answer to everything is more control. You want to infringe on the 2A, you are open to curfews as well in another comment.


How about no. Find a way that doesn’t infringe on people’s rights. Usurpation is a risky strategy.”

Another kept his reply succinct. “Shall not be infringed”

These renewed calls for infringements on the Second Amendment come as Montgomery experiences success with actually holding criminals accountable. 


Alabama’s Attorney General, the Alabama Law Enforcement Agency (ALEA), the Montgomery County Sheriff, and the City of Montgomery Police Department have teamed up to form the Metro Area Crime Suppression Unit (MACS) tasked with addressing the crime wave plaguing the capital city. 


On Friday, MACS boasted of roaring success in holding criminals accountable, even mentioning they’ve confiscated 17 Glock switches. 


It is likely these politicians don’t see the overwhelming irony when they call for banning firearm conversion devices days after boasting about confiscating illegal firearm conversion devices. 


This just underscores the fact that politicians are looking to score political points and don’t care about protecting the public unless it benefits their reelection campaigns. 


American Action Fund remains vigilant in the fight against gun control in states across the country. 


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